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12 Facebook Ad Content Ideas Can Make You Stand Out of The Crowd

by admin February 12, 2018
12 facebook hidden niche audience ideas to sell your products, e-commerce, facebook marketing

Entrepreneurs always are in search of the tactics that can boost sales to run their business and most importantly to make revenues. But, due to a lot of competition today it is becoming very difficult to promote products through right ad contents that keep your customers with you and amplify sales. That’s why we are here to tell you 12 Facebook advertisements content ideas that will help to retain your customers, attracting new customers and hence boost your sales.

Before starting to make a note of some important points, you must have in your ad to get the highest likes, reviews leading to higher conversions.

  • Keep your ad clear, crisp and short
  • Keep the headline containing only five-six words
  • Link post and description with only 14-15 words
  • Images in the ads must be clear, eye-soothing and sync with the purpose of the ad
  • Try to use as less content as you can, only 20% of the ad must contain text words.

1. Offer Discounts

Customers are always attracted to buy things on discount. Discount on products, for the time being, will boost your sales instead of harming revenue. Give discount more often on your products. Discount Facebook adswill gain more likes, will increase salesthrough Facebook, and help in maintaining a good customer relationship and creating better brand value. Also, discounts allow you to monetize your inventory. Here, monetize means you can sell your old inventory at high discounted price.
Keep your discount ad simple, to the point, highlighting discount percentage and the product you are discounting on.

2. Use Coupon Code

A coupon code is a modern way to give discounts in this era of digitization and mobile applications. When we buy something we always look for coupon codes at Google. Now with the help of such Facebook ads, the coupon code will become more accessible to the people.Coupon code hasa bundle of benefits associated with it. Theseare:

  • Encourage customers to return
  • Make your clients loyal to you
  • Attract new customers
  • You can try as well as promote new products

Facebook is the best medium to display your coupon codes ads. You can display coupon codes on your Facebook page too. Don’t forget to mention the code clearly, its expiry and percentage of discount that you are providing.

3. Try Video Ads

A video is the exciting and interesting medium to promote your products. Videos on Facebook are the future of content marketing. According to a survey of customers, videos are more engaging than texts.People remember more what they see instead what they read. Make videos that have interesting, creative and heart touching stories so that people can relate to themselves. If people connect with your video they will hit the like button, comment on it and may share it too. Increased likes and reviews will lead to creating brand awareness and increasing sales in future.

Make sure that your video is short, promoting your product creatively. The video may contain how your product is the solution to some problems. Through video, even you can show the working of the product. For example, if you are advertising any application in a video, you can show how it is helpful and how it works.

4. Introduce Message Button

Create an ad with the message button on it. The ad content must encourage the user to message you. The basic objective is that you have to provoke the thoughts of the user so that he is bound to message you. For this, you may ask questions they might face in their daily life and solution to which is related to your product. This button will provide ease to the user and will save time as it will not re-direct the user to the landing or website page. Through this also the user will be encouraged to message as many users avoid interacting as they find the process time taking including filling out some form and so on.

5. Inspire Urgency

Showcase urgency on the discount containing ads you are offering by making it time bound. This will lead to higher conversion rate in minimum time. Highlight the expiry date in a copy of the advertisement to make users buy as soon as possible. You can highlight days as well, stating how many days are remaining to get a particular beneficial deal as depicted in the pic above.

6. Offer Something Free

Marketing of the products is not always about selling goods but to create branding and enrich customer relationshipsleading to amplifying sales in the long run as well. You can give something free to your customers on their first purchase or on the fifth purchase or so. When one gets something free, one feels great and top of the world. ‘Free’ is the attention-grabbing word that makes people to go through your ad at least once.
It is not necessary that you give your products free ofcost. You can give them something else like free delivery, or get dinner free for two on ordering food for four people. You can include a sign up button too. Offer something like shown in the above pic, get dinner for 2 on your delivery; sign-up to order now. Another example may be that you can provide some e-book that will guide users towards buying your products to the max.

7. Run Winning Contest Campaign

Rewards are always exciting for people. Everyone likes to win; participating in contests will give them a new experience. Advertising your products through contests on Facebook will encourage more people to participate that will create a unique brand image and people will remember the brand for a long time. For this, you can target niche audience who likes to participate in the contest.
For instance, the contest may be like, the funniest comment on the particular picture will win a digital camera.

8. Motivate to Like and Comment

The more you engage with the customers the better relationships you make with them. Engage your customers by posting different things through Facebook ads that motivate them to like and share that in longer run creates a brand image. It would also make people aware about you and your products on Facebook. For instance, as shown in the above ads, you can ask people to comment motivational quotes for Monday. Or you can advertise some weird funky stickers and ask them to comment to get one.

9. Ask Questions to know customers views

Asking questions enhances customer interaction. You can ask any of the questions to users that might help in future marketing strategy to boost your sales. The question can be, “what are your favorite marketing tools on social media you are currently using?”

10. Creative Content and image

Advertise some creative content so that a user cannot stop him to see it once. This creative content may promote your application, product or anything you want. We have taken an example of an ad wherein a hand of monkey is shown to make the ad more creative. It is showing that using gusto payroll is handy and fast.

11. Apply Impressive Call to Action buttons

With ads, you can always associate call to action button that may be related to the downloading of an e-book. And do A/B testing to find out best call to action button copy. For example, if we compare above shown two ads, it implies that to reduce the conversion cost you must have an impressive call to action button. To make the button more impressive, you can use some words that are eye-catching like ‘free’ or colours that are soothing to eye. An ad copy with an impressive call to action button provides more effective results. The more people have downloaded free e-book through right-hand side ad and hence the cost of conversion is less for this ad as compared to left-hand side one.

12. Test, Test and test to get effective results

You must create different advertisements to experiment, like you can create two or more ads with some different look, content, image or call to action button. Run these ads for trial periods of at least seven daysto see the outputs in the form of likes and comments. The ad which gets more likes and comments is more successful. You can mix match the above idea to create a good copy of an advertisement.

Facebook ads apart from boosting sales in a long run also give the opportunity to create a great brand image and enrich the customer relationship through customer interaction. These relationships will increase your rate of selling products, making revenue and converting leads in thefuture. These ads will also broaden your network as Facebook shares user activities with their friends too. Later, you will be targeting them as well indirectly.

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